Here’s a little success tip to kickstart your business, plan your tasks, and you plan for success! Taking a few moments to map out your tasks and goals can make a world of difference in your productivity and overall success. Here’s how you can do it:...
Our industry is fueled by a deep love for creativity and a passion for beauty. At Beauty Inspiration Association, we understand the importance of nurturing and honing your creative skills while also ensuring the growth of your business. That’s why we are here to...
Let’s shift our mindset and embrace year-round marketing instead of just focusing on the holiday season. Here are two ideas to boost salon income: 1. Introduce a mini service: Consider offering a specialized hair treatment, a rejuvenating manicure or facial as a...
Establishing your goals may seem like a breeze, but the real test lies in maintaining them. Here are three effective approaches. First and foremost, it is crucial to have an accountability partner who can provide support. This individual can be relied upon for weekly,...