Brooke Brizendine

Being a hairstylist is more than just creating amazing hair—it’s about forming deep connections with your clients. Every day, you have the privilege and honor of holding space for people by listening to their stories and helping them to look and feel amazing. But along with this rewarding work comes an unseen challenge: the constant exchange of energy. And if you’re not careful, that energy can lead to burnout, overwhelm, and even block your ability to manifest the life you truly desire.

In this blog, I will walk you through why energy protection is essential for stylists and share practical techniques to shield yourself while behind the chair and in manifesting your dream career and life.

Why Energy Protection is Essential for Hairstylists:

As a stylist, you are constantly in close contact with your clients—both physically and energetically. Every interaction you have throughout the day involves an exchange of energy. While this can be beautiful and fulfilling, it can also drain you if you’re taking on the emotions, stress, and energy of others without protecting yourself.

When you absorb the energy of every client, especially negative or heavy energy, it can leave you feeling depleted. This energetic drain doesn’t just affect how you feel physically—it also impacts your ability to be grounded and manifest abundance and success in your life.

Here’s the thing: when your energy is constantly depleted, it becomes harder to align with the high vibrational state necessary for protecting your peace and manifestation. Instead of attracting the clients, income, and dream life you desire, you may find yourself feeling stuck, stressed, and unmotivated. Maybe even like you don’t enjoy being a stylist, like you once did.

This is why protecting your energy behind the chair is not only a form of self-care—it’s a manifestation tool.

Techniques to Protect Your Energy While Working with Clients:

I always emphasize the importance of energy protection as a foundational practice for success and well-being. Here are some of my favorite simple yet powerful techniques you can use behind the chair to keep your energy clear and vibrant:

1. Grounding Before and After Each Appointment…

Grounding is one of the most effective ways to center yourself and release any energy that isn’t yours. Before you start your day or in between clients, take a few moments to ground yourself. You can do this by visualizing your feet firmly planted on the ground and imagining roots extending deep into the earth, connecting you to stable energy.

2. Visualizing an Energy Shield

Another powerful tool is visualization. Before you begin your day or right before each client, take a moment to imagine a gold protective bubble of light surrounding you. Visualize this bubble as a shield, allowing positive energy to flow through but blocking any negativity or energy that isn’t yours from entering your field.

This practice is perfect for stylists who work in busy salons where energy can be intense. It helps create a boundary between your energy and your clients’ energy, ensuring you don’t take on their emotional baggage.

3. Grounding Breath Technique

This is a 2 part Breath Technique, where you inhale deeply for 4 seconds while imagining drawing in cleansing white light energy, and exhale for 8 seconds releasing any stress or stagnant energy from your body. This simple yet powerful practice helps you stay present and protected, no matter how many clients you see throughout the day.

Most importantly, this isn’t about shutting down your clients; it’s about protecting your energy while still holding space for them. You can acknowledge what they’re going through without letting it affect your own energetic state.

How Protecting Your Energy Opens the Door to Manifesting Your Dream Life:

When your energy is protected and aligned, something magical happens—you become a magnet for abundance and success. By keeping your energy clear and setting boundaries behind the chair, you allow yourself to stay in a high vibrational state, which is essential for manifesting your dream life.

In my Sacred Empowerment Mastermind, I emphasize the importance of energetic alignment in manifestation.

Here’s why: manifestation works on the principle that like attracts like. If your energy is drained and cluttered, you’re more likely to attract situations that reflect that—stressful clients, financial scarcity, or overwhelm.

But when you prioritize energy protection, you elevate your vibration. This helps you attract high-vibe clients, financial abundance, and work opportunities that align with your highest good. You begin to manifest from a place of ease and flow, rather than hustle and burnout.

Daily Rituals for Hairstylists to Maintain Energy and Manifestation Power:

Maintaining your energy and manifestation power requires consistent practice. Here are a few daily rituals that can help you stay aligned and protected:

1. Morning Energy Reset

Start your day with a grounding ritual. Use the Grounding Breath Technique to connect with the earth and clear your mind. Spend a few minutes visualizing your goals and get into the feelings and emotions associated with living your dream life. This will help you begin the day with intention and focus.

2. Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is a necessary and powerful tool for shifting your energy into a state of abundance. Each day, write down 3-5 things you’re grateful for in your life and career. This simple practice shifts your focus from what’s lacking to what’s thriving, and it opens you up to receive more.

3. Evening Energy Cleanse

At the end of each day, take a moment to release any energy you may have picked up from clients. One practice you can use is an Energetic Cord Cutting Ritual, where you visualize cutting energetic cords between you and your clients, allowing any lingering energy to be released.

This simple yet effective practice ensures that you end your day with your energy intact, ready to recharge, and show up as your best self the next day.

Calling in What You Deserve:

As a hairstylist, protecting your energy isn’t just about avoiding burnout—it’s a powerful key to manifesting your dream life. When you set clear energetic boundaries and use daily practices to stay grounded, you elevate your vibration and open yourself up to abundance and aligned success.

By incorporating these practices into your routine, you’ll not only protect your energy behind the chair, but you’ll also become a magnet for the life you truly desire.

If you’re ready to take your career and life to the next level, join my Sacred Empowerment Mastermind and learn the tools to protect your energy, empower your mindset, and manifest your dream career and life with ease.

You can learn more and join the Sacred Empowerment Mastermind on my website: